Village Charity Plant Sale

Our village plant sale is coming up on 12th May this year. And to that end we're sowing lots of extra seed for sale on the day. And today we chop up a load of dahlia tubers to pot up for the sale. Our lovely new volunteer starts today, and her first job is going to be to help cut up the tubers which have over-wintered in our neighbour Sally's barn. These will be potted up and hopefully cheerfully sprouting by the time we have our plant sale on 12th May.
We're raising money to mend a hole in the roof of our eight hundred year old village church, St Stephen's, and we're hoping to beat last year's total of £1,300.
We sell all plants at £1 a pot, and hope that lots of you will bring your spare seedlings and cuttings to donate to the cause. There will, of course, be lots of tea and cake too, as well as an amazing raffle.
So while you create your own garden this year, do remember our plant sale, and put aside your spare seedlings for us. We love interesting perennial cuttings, split plants, trays of spare tomato plants, cosmos seedlings. We always have an amazing mix of plants, so do come along, and give your borders a bit of extra zing this summer, whil helping us make our church ready to serve this tiny community for hundreds of years to come.
Date 12th May, 9.30-12.30, Charlton Musgrove Village Hall, BA9 8HF. See you there!