Our Data Protection Plan
We are very conscious that there are new data protection laws coming in to effect on 25th May this year. And to make sure we are absolutely compliant with the law, we are doing something DRASTIC! We are wiping our old mailing lists and making a completely new one, so that we can be absolutely sure we are up to date with all the laws of the land.
Our mailshot goes out twice a month: one is long, chatty, full of gardening tips and a great competition, and the second is really just to remind you we're there and perhaps inspire you to come on a workshop or a tour. We don't clog your inbox by any means, and we aim to amuse, inspire, and inform with our newsletters.
So if you're already signed up for our newsletter, and would like to keep receiving them, then please sign up again here. Equally, if you've never received our newsletter, then I recommend it, and you could sign up here too.
Thank you very much for helping us obey the law to the letter - and see you via mailchimp (newsletter sending out organisation) soon!
Love from georgie xxx