December news - Christmas countdown

Two weeks to go until we close down for Christmas and New Year. I hope you all make us madly busy with orders for wreaths and flowers for Christmas. Our last send out day is Thursday 20th December.
Your flowers for your Christmas tables will last beautifully if you take them out of their boxes, give them fresh water, snip their stems and put them somewhere cool until you’d like them for your table on Christmas day. We've already started sending out wreaths and today is our first Christmas Decoration workshop of the year. Our fresh cut willow wreaths are dressed with gorgeous greenery and seed heads and crab apples woven into a garland. If hung on a door or a wall outside the garland will hold up beautifully through the cool winter days - if you bring your wreath indoors then it will be happy if you give it a spritz with water every day to refresh it. We no longer use wire in our willow wreaths and so the whole garland is compostable. You can then hang the willow circle, without the garland, on the door or wall, as a decoration to last all year round.
We’re taking orders for Christmas up until 19th December, but please, if you do know you’re going to order then do order sooner rather than later so that we make sure we have enough stock. THANK YOU!
In the spirit of stealing a march on next season, our Sue has been planting the first crop of sweet peas into the big poly tunnel this week. Here at Common Farm Flowers we’re always worrying about what we have about in flower around the seasonal corner so that you can always have gorgeous British flowers, all year round, without having to worry about a thing. To this end I have ordered a few (ahem!) more rose bushes, a few (ahEM!) more dahlias and my seed order is at the curating stage (this means I’ve made the list and now I need to cut it down by two thirds…) Well next year’s weddings are booking in apace so we’d better make sure we have enough flowers for all those beautiful brides to carry down their aisles.