The change your life series.

The change your life series.
It seems to me that the world is in flux, and the UK especially.
And I'm lucky to have a lovely big barn to which I can invite people to teach and take part in workshops.
So this autumn I'm hosting a series of workshops for people who don't want to waste another moment: for people who know they could make more of their house, their travel bug, their camera: who want to write a blog about their experiences, potentially turn that into cash flow, who have an instagram feed which they know they could make more of: for people who have something to say, something to give, and a strong urge to start making more of their lives before they wake up and find they've missed their boat!
So come to travel writing and photography, come to lifestyle blogging, come and learn to style your house. We have flower farming and we have kitchen table business workshops. These are all laid on because life is for the grabbing now, because post Brexit we're going to have to be clever about earning a living, because the artisan life is fulfilling, wholesome, creatively challenging, and none of us will live long if we're bored.
Book your place now, and when you get that back-to-school feeling in September you'll know that you're ahead of the game. And you never know, coming on a day course here at Common Farm Flowers between Bruton and Wincanton in Somerset, might really change your life.
Carpe diem - sieze the day.