How to carry your bouquet on your wedding day

It seems to me that a question brides seldom consider is how they're going to carry their bouquet on their wedding day. The look of the bouquet, the flowers used and so on, are usually carefully thought out, but how the bouquet will actually be carried, the weight of it, the look of it against the dress, is not a question brides ever ask me.
Hot tip: make a posy and stand with it in front of the mirror. Do you feel comfortable holding it two handed right in front of you as is often shown in photographs? Will you be able to carry it like that when you're being taken down the aisle by whoever is giving you away? And when you imagine your photographs being taken will you still stand straight-on to the camera, holding the bouquet two-handed? Or will you face your new husband and hold the bouquet down by your skirts, with a straightish arm?
How will the bouquet, which, for good reason, will cost you a fair amount of money, look in the photographs?
Use your trial posy to stand in various different ways in front of the mirror. Think about weight, and stem-length (you don't want to mark your dress with long stems!) Think about whether your photographs will be of you standing facing your partner, or more formally straight on. And think about weight. A large bouquet may be stunning, but it will also be heavy. If you will be carrying it one-handed, how much weight do you want to carry?
Look at those amazing pictures on Pinterest of girls carrying bouquets wide enough to dress a mantlepiece, and consider not only how much they weigh, but the logistics of carrying it about: do you have to take your bouquet from your parents' house, to a car, into a car which also has to fit your dress, not bruise it all the way to the ceremony, get it out of the car, carry it down the aisle, back up the aisle, back into the car, and to the reception where it has to look amazing in the photographs. Will a huge bouquet look great if you hold it down by your skirts while facing your dear beloved?
So before you order your bride's bouquet take some flowers and 'try them on' in front of the mirror. See how they look straight on, sideways, hanging down by your skirts. Imagine being photograhed with them in a beautiful wildflower field, or a field of corn, or by the amazing fireplace in your gorgeous venue.