Big thank you for plant sale support
Dear friends and neighbours,
I just want to (better late than never!) thank all who came and supported our plant sale on 6th May in aid of mending the hole in the 13th century roof of St Stephen's church, Charlton Musgrove. With our simple formula of all plants being £1 a pot, no matter how impressive or how dinky, we managed to raise £1,400+ in plant sales, cake sales, raffle ticket sales and extra kind donations.
It feels as though Charlton Musgrove is having a real living-the-dream moment. We currently have a farm shop, a vicar, a fab village hall, and a really great new pub open - we're a proper-central casting village! Long may it last I say, with so many kind neighbours and friends about the whole place is buzzing with neighbourliness.
So please note this date for your diary for next year, Sat 12th May, Charlton Musgrove Village Hall, for more plant sale action. We're grateful for donated plants, cakes, and really fab raffle prizes, and hope to do it all again.
This year we opened at 9.30 and about two thirds of the plants were gone in the first hour, so please note, 9.30 start. And see you all next May!
Many many many many thanks.
Love from Georgie x