What's happening in the garden in September?

So what are we up to in the garden?
Well, this cool, wet weather has meant we’ve got ahead a bit with planting out the biennials, which has made them very happy.It is a time of year to collect seed from flowers we’ve particularly loved, and make notes of what we want to do again (or not!) next year. I must add a *few* (ahem!) extras to my bulb order, and I’m flexing my muscles for the annual big mulch we make sure we do through the winter.
We’ve rearranged the beds a little this summer, and so I find I have a little space to fill with one or two more roses and a few bare root shrubs which I’ll order now to be delivered in January when they’re dormant.
It’s really worth getting ahead with ordering plants, so that you get what you’d really like. Suppliers are very happy to keep orders to deliver on a date you specify, so that you know you’ll have time to prepare the beds, and pop the delivery date in the diary so that you know when to make sure you’re free to plant them as soon as they’re delivered – plants would always MUCH prefer to be planted than wait about.
Meanwhile we still have one tunnel to clear and prep for next early season.
This year I’ve done much more sowing seed in trays and pricking out and potting on… I feel a little autumn hardy annual seed sowing coming on… I may have even scheduled a workshop to that effect!