The May garden at Common Farm Flowers

Well, I am prepping the beds for the dahlias to be planted out, though they haven’t all shot yet, let alone do they look ready for the cold frame. I won’t plant out till at least 1st June for fear of last frosts. We’ll tidy up the beds where the tulips have been when they’ve finished, and some of the dahlias will go there.
I’m direct-sowing late summer annuals like cosmos and bells of Ireland and amaranthus in the spaces which will be left.
I have a box of glads and acidanthera (or gladiolus murielae) to plant. I’ve always hurried to get these in the ground in the past, and then regretted it when they flower too much in quiet august (quiet because everyone’s on holiday which this year I think they will be!) so this year another bonus of the cold weather is that I’ve yet to get these in the ground. I will successionally plant them over a month or six weeks so that they flower over a longer period for me.