June 2021 News

We’re getting greener
We take our ‘green’ credentials very seriously here at Common Farm Flowers, and for years I’ve wanted to shrink the area we deliver to in order to make our flowers truly local flowers for our locality.
Thanks to our increasing customer base nearby, and an increasing choice of flower farmers around the country, we are able now to do this. I’m sorry for those of you who’ve been used to ordering from us for delivery around the UK (and so grateful for all your support.) But I’m very glad for our carbon footprint, which will be much less for offering a click and collect service from the farm here in Somerset, and for offering delivery only to BA postcodes.
We are back on YouTube!
Really inspired by the reaction of social media followers to clips of film I’ve been popping up on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and even Tiktok, I’ve gone back to YouTube – a place which always felt rather hard work to me before, but which I’m now really enjoying, having stopped thinking what I think I ought to do, and just making little films on the hoof about what I think is interesting / useful for followers. At the time of writing, we are teeny numbers away from the magic 1000 subscribers, so do subscribe to the YouTube channel if you fancy and I will be very grateful.
We’re having great fun on Instagram with a new series of #liveatfive sessions with subjects suggested and questions sent in by the followers. These are proving great fun so do keep an eye out on the Instagram where I give plenty of warning that there’s a ‘live’ coming up for people who like to join in. And if you miss any of these sessions, you can catch up with them (and more!) on our IGTV!
Autumn workshop dates now available
The workshops both online and here at the farm are buzzing along. We have lots coming up, including a social media session here at the farm for a day in August, as well as another of our popular posy tying days, and farm tours.
The career change flower farming days are selling out incredibly fast so I’ve listed another day in late September as well as a lovely three day eco flowers retreat which will be full of things to learn as well as just fun being here in the flower fields cutting and making arrangements from teeny posies to huge installations.
So I’ll see you somewhere whether it’s on the social media, at an online workshop, or here at the farm.