Garden tours of our Somerset Flower Farm

To celebrate British Flowers Week we've had a day of garden tours of our Somerset Flower Farm today. And what larks eh Pip! Lovely small groups (15 and 11, 10am and 2.30) braved the glaring sun and soaring temperatures and came for a guided tour of our seven acres of mixed wild, orchard, willow and flower farm patches.
A flower farm like ours isn't like a usual show garden: for a start budget is the object, rather than no object - we are a working farm and the flowers are cut here on a daily basis. But people were fascinated to see how we successionally sow our annuals, how we choose our roses, how we pollard our willow, how we work the space we have available, making the most of manpower and material to create our flower delivery bouquets, wedding flowers and have plenty of material to hand when we need it to teach workshops.
The best part of the tour today though was the gasps of amazement when we came round the corner and people saw the wildflower meadow in full flower.
I loved the day and will be putting another tour on the website for the afternoon of 16th September.
And I'm looking forward to welcoming more groups of garden societies and horticultural clubs coming for tours they've booked into themselves.
We are taking bookings for groups into next year now. We can take up to 30 people at a time, and the tours are always fun for us, not only because we love to see people's reaction to what we do, but because that reaction reminds us that we achieve quite a lot between four of us, on our seven acre plot, with flowers...