
What qualities do you need to be a flower farmer?

We had the garden team from Yeo Valley HQ here at Common Farm Flowers between Bruton and Wincanton in Somerset yesterday - what a compliment that t...

It's British Flowers week!

Woohoo! It's British Flowers week!  The annual celebration of our lovely home grown not flown flower growing industry.  All over the UK flower farm...

Foxgloves as a cut flower

Foxgloves as a cut flower are absolutel winners: tall, graceful, velvety stems, speckled fairy hat flowers, and flowering from mid may and through ...

May Gardening Tips

So what are we doing in the garden? Well, new dahlia stock is being kept under cover till we harden it off from mid May and it won’t be planted out...

May News

Well it’s been a glorious spring - and I hope it’s going to be a glorious summer.  Can it already be May?  It’s planting out a go-go here, despite ...

April Gardening Tips

Although strange urges do take one at this time of year: accepted practise is that you wait until you can feel the earth radiating heat until you s...

April News

It can’t be April already? This year is sweeping by. We had a glorious weekend of really springy weather just now and I spent most of it standing s...

Ordering cut flower seed

For more on growing cut flowers for fun, for weddings and special events, and even how to be an artisan flower farmer like me, come on a workshop h...

Eco friendly flower farming at Common Farm Flowers

Eco friendly flower farming at Common Farm Flowers

Our eco-friendly ethosRead more

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