
Gardening in December

So what are we doing in the garden this month - in between cutting willow and making Christmas wreaths? Well, mulching continues… 750 running metre...

Tips for pruning roses

One might think that November is a quietish month in the garden.  Well, I beg to differ!  After you've planted all your bulbs it's time to prune yo...

Tips for planting tulip bulbs

So your tulip bulbs have arrived and you're looking at them a little askance, wondering how you can get them into the ground quickly, efficiently, ...

How to put your dahlias to bed

Now we've had a more serious frost the dahlias look properly sad and it's time to put them to bed for the winter.  Since we turned the barn into ou...

Top tips for taking atumn cuttings

September's a great time to take cuttings from your tender perennials just in case they get killed off by a cold snap in the winter.  I call it hed...

Tips for ordering tulip bulbs

In my book, The Flower Farmer's Year, I advocate a 'bold' bulb budget for anybody growing flowers for cutting.  For me, most of that budget is spen...

Our August news.....

Goodness the heat! Throughout early July there was I, sagely nodding my head, and forecasting downpours from the 14th July (St Swithun’s Day,) floo...

August in the garden

So what is there to do in the garden this month? Well, other than watering, do cast your mind forward to next year.  We have biennial seedlings fat...

Eco friendly flower farming at Common Farm Flowers

Eco friendly flower farming at Common Farm Flowers

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